
美国近100家英文媒体报道多伦多市长候选人龚晓华(Xiao Hua Gong)


根据多伦多市政府网站(https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/elections/by-election/by-election-candidate-list)公布,在 5 月 12 日报名截止日期之后,共有 102 名候选人成功登记参加多伦多市长补选。多伦多市政府的一份新闻稿显示,这是合并后的多伦多市登记的市长候选人人数最多的一次,超过了 2014 年市长选举中 65 名候选人的纪录。 在 2022 年的市长选举中,有 31 名经过政府认证的多伦多市长候选人。

记者发现,在今年的102位市长候选人中,通过英文姓名判断,约8名为华人华裔(Chan, Roland、Chow, Olivia、Gao, Feng、Gong, Xiao Hua、He, Heather、Tang, Weizhen、Wei, Yuanqian、Yan, Nathalie Xian Yi)。其中,加拿大国家电视台台长龚晓华(Xiao Hua Gong)是唯一一位华文媒体人。


6月9日,国际著名通讯社美联社( Associated Press)以“市长候选人龚晓华为繁荣多伦多推出富有远见的竞选纲领”(Mayoral Candidate Xiao Hua Gong Unveils Visionary Campaign Platform for a Thriving Toronto)为题发布了他的英文竞选新闻,美国雅虎新闻(Yahoo.com)、美国《数码日报》(Digital Journal )等著名美国新闻媒体和美国地区新闻媒体如美国跨城市广播新闻《桥媒体联播》(Bridge Media Networks)、纽约《国际商业时报》(IBTimes)、《纽约州新闻》(New York State News)、《新泽西州电讯报》(New Jersey Telegraph)、 佐治亚州和南卡罗来纳州地区新闻联播WSAV 、伊利诺伊州芝加哥著名金融新闻网《晨星》(Morning Star)、《伊利诺伊州情报员》(Illinois Intelligencer) 、宾夕法尼亚州《凯恩共和党人》(The Kane Republican)、宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡《新闻联网)(News Net Media)、阿肯色州《马尔文日报》(Malvern Daily Record)、阿肯色州埃尔多拉多新闻电台KLMK(98.7FM)、俄亥俄州《明斯特社区邮报》(The Community Post)、南达科他州扬克顿广播电视网(KYNT1450)、内华达州拉斯维加斯《新闻联网)(News Net Media)、北卡罗来纳州罗利湖区媒体网(Lakes Media Network)、密西根州《新闻联网)(News Net Media)、俄勒冈州波特兰《新闻联网)(News Net Media)、内布拉斯加州广播电视新闻新闻(Newschannel Nebraska)、犹他州盐湖城《新闻联网)(News Net Media)、印第安纳州《印第安纳波利斯新闻》(Indianapolis News)、印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯广播电视新闻(FOX59)、密苏里州《堪萨斯城邮报》(Kansas City Post)、加利福尼亚州《洛杉矶先驱报》(Los Angeles Herald)、加利福尼亚州洛杉矶有限电视新闻网(NEWSnet)、加利福尼亚州《猛犸时报》( Mammoth Times)、肯塔基州《路易斯维尔新闻》(Louisville News)、《马里兰州领袖》(Maryland Leader)、田纳西州《孟菲斯太阳报》(Memphis Sun)、田纳西州《纳什维尔先驱报》(Nashville Herald)、田纳西州纳什维尔《新闻联网)(News Net Media)、佛罗里达州《迈阿密镜报》、佛罗里达州迈阿密《新闻联网)(News Net Media)、威斯康星州《密尔沃基新闻》(Milwaukee News)、明尼苏达州《明尼阿波利斯新闻》(Minneapolis News)、明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯《新闻联网)(News Net Media)均纷纷以同一标题进行转载和刊登。

美联社新闻( Associated Press)


美国《数码日报》(Digital Journal )












“以一个充满活力和繁荣的多伦多作为我们的共同目标,我致力于成为一个开创性的领导者,为积极变革注入活力,” 龚先生表示。”通过我作为企业家和社区组织者的丰富经验,我已经锤炼出了突破现状所需的技能、远见和商业头脑,为我们心爱的城市注入活力。”




Mayoral Candidate Xiao Hua Gong Unveils Visionary Campaign Platform for a Thriving Toronto


TORONTO, ON / June 9, 2023 / Mr. Xiao Hua Gong, an esteemed entrepreneur and community leader, has officially announced his bid for the position of Mayor of Toronto in the upcoming elections this May. With a strong focus on multi-dimensional progress and the well-being of Toronto residents, Mr. Gong has unveiled a comprehensive seven-point campaign platform aimed at transforming the city into a global exemplar of safety, cultural diversity, technological advancement, livability, and affordability.

Mr. Xiao Hua Gong,  June 9, 2023, Press release picture


Recognizing the challenges faced by Toronto in recent years, including social security concerns, rising living costs exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and economic hardships, Mr. Gong’s campaign platform represents a visionary blueprint for change. His deep appreciation for the multicultural fabric of Toronto, cultivated during his years as an immigrant, drives his passion to elevate the city’s standing and improve the lives of its residents.

Central to Mr. Gong’s campaign is his pledge to reduce the tax burden on Toronto’s residents, aiming to alleviate financial strain and promote economic growth. He firmly believes that by fostering an environment that encourages businesses to thrive, Toronto can overcome its economic challenges and create sustainable job opportunities for its diverse population.

“With a dynamic and prosperous Toronto as our collective goal, I am committed to serving as a groundbreaking leader and transformative force for positive change,” expressed Mr. Gong. “Through my extensive experience as an entrepreneur and community organizer, I have honed the skills, foresight, and business acumen necessary to break the status quo and inject vitality into our beloved city.”

Mr. Gong’s accomplishments in the business realm speak to his dedication and success as a visionary leader. Having pioneered and operated several businesses over the past two decades, including television, hotel, and health product companies in Canada and the United States, Mr. Gong has demonstrated his ability to create jobs and contribute to the economic fabric of the region.

Furthermore, his contributions to Toronto’s cultural landscape through large-scale shows, televised galas, and community events have garnered significant admiration from the public. These initiatives not only entertain and inspire but also foster multicultural integration, making Toronto a beacon of diversity and cultural evolution.

In addition to his professional achievements, Mr. Gong is actively involved in charitable endeavors. He has organized numerous donation galas, initiated a charity show in response to the 2016 Fort McMurray Wildfire, and hosted earthquake fundraising and disaster relief events. Through these philanthropic efforts, Mr. Gong has demonstrated his commitment to supporting those in need and building a stronger, more compassionate community.




美联社( Associated Press)

雅虎美国( Yahoo.com)

美国《数码日报》( Digital Journal)

美国跨城市广播新闻《桥媒体联播》(Bridge Media Networks)


《纽约州新闻》(New York State News)

《新泽西州电讯报》(New Jersey Telegraph)


伊利诺伊州芝加哥著名金融新闻网《晨星》(Morning Star)

《伊利诺伊州情报员》(Illinois Intelligencer)

宾夕法尼亚州《凯恩共和党人》(The Kane Republican)

宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡《新闻联网)(News Net Media)

阿肯色州《马尔文日报》(Malvern Daily Record)



内华达州拉斯维加斯《新闻联网)(News Net Media)

北卡罗来纳州罗利湖区媒体网(Lakes Media Network)

密西根州《新闻联网)(News Net Media)

内布拉斯加州广播电视新闻新闻(Newschannel Nebraska)

犹他州盐湖城《新闻联网)(News Net Media)

印第安纳州《印第安纳波利斯新闻》(Indianapolis News)


密苏里州《堪萨斯城邮报》(Kansas City Post)

加利福尼亚州《洛杉矶先驱报》(Los Angeles Herald)


加利福尼亚州《猛犸时报》( Mammoth Times)

肯塔基州《路易斯维尔新闻》(Louisville News)

《马里兰州领袖》(Maryland Leader)

田纳西州《孟菲斯太阳报》(Memphis Sun)

田纳西州《纳什维尔先驱报》(Nashville Herald)

田纳西州纳什维尔《新闻联网)(News Net Media)


佛罗里达州迈阿密《新闻联网)(News Net Media)

威斯康星州《密尔沃基新闻》(Milwaukee News)

明尼苏达州《明尼阿波利斯新闻》(Minneapolis News)


贝街新闻(Bay Street News)



多伦多市选杀出黑马 国家电视台长角逐市长
