
国际统一刊号(网络出版物:ISSN 1481-7721)

《世界华文媒体》World Chinese Media (www.worldchinesemedia.com) 1998年创办于加拿大多伦多,是创办于1998年的世界华文大众传播媒体协会(World Association of Chinese Mass Media)之官方网站, 也是海外创办早、具有专业性和权威性的、面向世界中文媒体行业人士的综合性门户网站,每年有超过1千万人次的访问量。



协会新闻: 世界华文大众传播媒体协会和国际中文记者联合会重要消息
媒体专访: 专访世界各地华文媒体和外文媒体机构
媒体人物: 专访世界各地华文媒体和外文媒体机构的相关人物
媒体研究: 刊登有关华文媒体、外文媒体研究的评论和学术文章
图书推荐: 介绍国内外中文和翻译成中文的重要图书
图片新闻: 具有新闻背景的图片
中外旅游: 介绍中外著名风景名胜
中外品牌: 中外著名品牌企业新闻和故事



勾芍人 博士(Dr. Shaoren Gou )

编    委:

王    枫 (中国大陆)
伍立杨 (中国大陆)
车径行 (中国大陆)
王子君 (中国大陆)
东    瑞 (香       港)
程宝林 (美       国)
钟瑜平 (英       国)
山    杉 (法       国)
俞力工 (奥 地 利)
勾芍人 博士(加 拿 大)




刘又菡、 杨玉惠


吴达宣、陈其升、袁艳、赵桐樟、吕芳、苏紫鹤 、萧禾嘉







全球外文发稿   中外品牌推广





部分国际媒体,如美联社、路透社、意大利通讯社IPS等国际通讯社,《华盛顿时报》(1982)、《纽约每日新闻》(1919)、《洛杉矶时报》(1881)、《好莱坞报道》(1930)、《洛杉矶周报》(1978)、《达拉斯晨报》(1885)、《芝加哥论坛报》(1847)、《夏洛特观察家报》(1886)、《新闻周刊》(1933)、《时代周刊》(1923)、《今日美国》(1982)、《福布斯》(1917)、《纳斯达克》(1971)、全球雅虎财经新闻、全美国主流广播电视台ABC, FOX,NBC, CBS, NCN地方频道(美国广播公司American Broadcasting Company福克斯新闻台FOX News Channel全国广播公司 National Broadcasting Corporation哥伦比亚广播公司Columbia Broadcasting System内布拉斯加州新闻频道News Channel Nebraska),英国《每日邮报》(1896)、《曼切斯特晚报》(1868)、《镜报》(1903)、《星报》(1887)、《金融时报》(1888)、《牛津邮报》(1928)、《每日记录》(1895)、《兰开夏电讯报》(1886)、《每日星报》(1978)、《大都会报》(1999)、《独立报》(1986)、《伦敦经济》(2013),加拿大《环球邮报》(1936)、《金融邮报》(1907)、《国家邮报》(1998)、《蒙特利尔公报》(1778)、《渥太华公民》(1845)、《伦敦自由报》(1849)、《温莎星报》(1888)等主流媒体和其它国家重要媒体,为品牌企业和地方城市进行中外推广服务。服务内容包括:







    About World Chinese Media


    Established in 1998, World Chinese Media is the official website of the World Association of Chinese Mass Media(WACMM), providing global news coverage in Chinese for Chinese media professionals. With over 10 million annual visits, it is a highly visited platform.

    The World Association of Chinese Mass Media (WACMM) is a non-profit organization registered with Industry Canada (File Number: 350615-1, Ontario Corporation Number: 1629121). Founded in Toronto in 1998, WACMM has expanded its network to include over 160 Chinese media members in 60+ countries and regions worldwide. It is a professional and independent media organization that does not receive any government funding.

    WACMM has also established several initiatives and programs to support its mission, including the World Chinese Media Awards for Outstanding Journalism, which recognizes excellence in Chinese-language journalism and the WACMM Young Journalists Program, which provides training and support for aspiring Chinese-language journalists.

    One of the key benefits of being a member of WACMM is the International Press Card, which is issued to its members and recognized worldwide as a valid form of press credentials. Additionally, WACMM provides a platform for Chinese media professionals to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on global news coverage in Chinese for Chinese audiences.

    Overall, WACMM plays an important role in promoting and supporting the Chinese media industry on a global scale.


    Dr. Shaoren Gou is the Editor-in-Chief of World Chinese Media and World Chinese Journalists. He is also  the founder and general secretary of the World Association of Chinese Mass Media (WACMM), the International Federation of Chinese Journalists(IFCJ). He graduated from Sichuan Radio & Television University with a major in journalism. He also holds an M.Ed in Education & the Mass Media from the University of Manchester and a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Leicester in England.

    Dr. Gou started publishing literary works such as novels, essays, and poems at the age of 18. His works have been published in various publications including newspapers and magazines in China and other countries such as Singapore, UK and the U.S.  He has also published several collections of his works.

    Dr. Gou started working as a journalist at the age of 21 and has held various positions including reporter, editor, and chief editor in different newspapers and magazines. He was one of the youngest daily newspaper editors in China at the time. He has participated in the coverage of several national and international events in China, and Canada. He has written extensively about international politics, the economy, the arts, culture, sports and society.

    Dr. Gou is recognized as one of the first Chinese journalists to achieve financial independence in the early 1990s during China’s media marketization, which followed the country’s reform and opening up policies.  With over 40 years of experience in journalism, publishing, media management and corporate brand strategy, he is a renowned journalist, writer, and highly respected figure in the worldwide Chinese media industry. His leadership and expertise have been instrumental in the development of WACMM and IFCJ, and its mission to uphold ethical standards in journalism such as accuracy, integrity, while promoting freedom of expression and information.



    Dr. Shaoren Gou

    Editorial Board

    Shanshan Sun (France)

    Yuping Zhong (United Kingdom)

    Baolin Cheng (United States)

    Liyang Wu (China)

    Dong Rui (Hong Kong)

    Ligong Yu (Austria)

    Dr. Shaoren Gou (Canada)